Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Update: Jones County Kitties in Need

I'm pleased to report some good news about the 22 cats in need of adoption in Jones County which I first blogged about here.

I was contacted today by an Atlanta-area rescue that may be able to take a Mom and a litter. It's not definite yet, but I'm hopeful. I'll post any further developments as they come in.

Despite this potential good news, the situation is still pretty dire. Ms. M., the wonderfully caring woman who is doing her best to care for these cats, is under a lot of pressure to find homes for these cats. Suffering from COPD, and struggling to get by on her social security, Ms. M. refuses to move to better accomodations until she finds homes for all of the cats. Her family is eager to get her out of the run-down trailer she lives in, while her neighbors are becoming increasingly annoyed by the adult cats wandering onto their properties. I and a rescue friend are doing what we can to help, but time is definitely running out.

If you or anyone you know can help, either by taking in one of the cats or by donating to a vet fund set up at a local animal hospital (Lakeside Animal Hospital), please contact me for more information.

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